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عن الاتصال إقتبس |

أخبار التجارة

العملاء من المغرب يقدمون تهنئة كبيرة لمرفق صنع الفحم المشوي لدينا

أخبار طيبة! العملاء من المغرب يقدمون تهنئة كبيرة لمرفق صنع الفحم المشوي لدينا. It is such an honor to receive feedback from our Moroccan clients, who ordered BBQ charcoal making equipment before.

This set of equipment includes charcoal forming extruding machine, drying system and so on. After being delivered to the destination, this facility produces exquisite BBQ charcoal cubes and rods successfully!

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our partner in Morocco for choosing us as your equipment provider. We look forward to many more prosperous endeavors together.


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