تل: +86 18838039608 البريد الالكترونى: info@hnysmachinery.com

عن الاتصال إقتبس |

معدات تشكيل الفحم/

آلة قولبة

Normal Pressure:8000-20000 KN
Ejecting Force:1600-2500 KN
Liquid Pressure:25 Mpa
Slide Stroke:800-1000 mm
Ejection Stroke:300-450 mm
Open Height:1200-1800 mm
Machine Dimensions Length:4800-6200 mm
Machine Dimensions Width:2200-4200 mm
Machine Dimensions Height:5400-7200 mm
Motor Power:60-76 ك و
Weight:36-100 t


الغوغاء & واتس اب: +86 18838039608
البريد الإلكتروني: info@hnysmachinery.com

  • تفاصيل المنتج
  • ميزة
  • البارامتر
  • تطبيق
  • استخبار

Briquetting machine is also known as charcoal powder molding machine. It is commonly used to compress powdered or granular raw materials into solid blocks or specific shapes. This type of equipment finds extensive applications across various manufacturing processes, particularly in industries such as charcoal producing, chemical engineering, علم المعادن, food processing, زراعة, and so on.

  1. The hydraulic press installed on briquetting machine is the key to turn charcoal powder, mineral powder, coke powder and other powder into blocks.
  2. It is composed of customized mold, PLC system, hydraulic pump, output conveyor, feed hopper, and proximity sensor switch which can adjust the height of the mold. The shape can be customized as well.
  3. Briquetting machine has fast production speed and high producing efficiency.

Briquetting machine can be used in charcoal production, It can also be used in chemical industry and various special industries, with high producing speed and high economic efficiency.




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