電話: +86 18838039608 E-mailアドレス: info@sunrise-biochar.com

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河南サンライズBiocharマシン株式会社, LtdはRと統合されたものです&D, 製造, と販売, 河南省にあります, 中国の最も重要な穀物地帯はどれであるかどれが. 当社の創業者は、わらなどの農業廃棄物を利用した再生分野に携わってきました, 茎, 等. Since 1990s, バイオ炭の技術と機械製造に焦点を当てる, 活性炭, 炭素系肥料, そして有機肥料. 同時に, 私達は国際的に高度の大きく、中型の金属のプロセス用機器を導入しました, 含む 10 マシニングセンタ, 3 レーザー切断機, そして、それ以上の 80 機器の種類. 私たちは中国の自営の輸出入企業です.

On know-how upgrade, our company establish close cooperation with many universities and institutes. With team efforts of Beijing industrial & commercial university and Process Engineering Institute of CAS(Chinese Academy of Sciences), already get several patents and achievements. Now our solution and machinery already cover agricultural waste shredder and biomass crusher, dryer, biochar furnace, activated kiln, charcoal grinder, biomass briquette machine, shisha machine, 等. Our company was founded in 2005. After years of reform and development, our machinery has won countless certificates of honor. These honors are Consumer approval of our products. We have gained a good credit and reputation in machinery industry.

当社の機器は仕様と品質が完全です, and all indicators meet or exceed national standards. On call of Belt and Road Initiative, our company is developing and promoting overseas market and already exported to more than 70 countries such as Vietnam, Bangladesh, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, Denmark, Holland, Russia, 等. Our company have realized one-stop service for design, 製造, 取り付け, デバッグ, 技術トレーニング.

